Awful Wedded Life: Postal 2 does not mince anything with regards to what he thinks of his love life and in Apocalypse Weekend, he notably notes his wife moving back to her mother's place was good news.While the Dude may be for most part a huge Jerkass, most of the groups he ends up fighting with are asshole victims ( including the police), some of them however such as the Survivalists in Paradise Lost are not necessarily evil groups and end up as the Dude's enemies only because he is Mis-blamed for attacking them. Anti-Hero: At his best, but him being a Nominal Hero or a Villain Protagonist depends on your playstyle.Plus, The Dude makes absolutely no references to the events of Postal 1 in Postal 2. Ambiguous Situation: Is the Postal Dude in Postal 2 the same dude as the Postal Dude in Postal? While they're both obviously a bit screwed in the head, Postal 2 Dude seems to be a little bit more mentally stable than Postal 1 Dude.And also an incredibly lethal sonuvabitch when provoked. An Ax-Crazy Jerkass Deadpan Snarker who lives in a trailer, has a fondness for crack, has a bitchy wife, and poor hygiene. Almighty Janitor: The Dude is a fairly good example.He may be a self described sociopath, but damn if he isn't charming about it. This returns in III as the Pepper Spray's secondary attack. Aerosol Flamethrower: In the A Week In Paradise DLC, the Dude can use an can of Axe spray ripoff, aptly named Stynx, and a lighter.It doesn't work, so he's forced to resort to violence.
Tv tropes postal 2 movie#
Adaptational Nice Guy: He's a nice everyman in the movie and the Only Sane Man who always just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and even makes one last-ditch effort at the end to make peace with everyone pointing their guns at him.shows up in Postal 4, he turns out to be no better and tries to kill his son to cement his rule over Edensin.
Abusive Parents: Apparently only one reason for the Dude to urinate on his stepfather's grave. Never a dull moment for him, it's up to the player to decide how he acts. John (Postal 4: No Regerts )Ī red-headed, trenchcoated man whose life is filled with violence, insanity and the bizarre shenanigans of the world around him. As you progress in the game the list of available items will grow.Played by: Vince Desi (Postal, non-demon grunts and moans), Rick Hunter (all other appearances), Corey Cruise (Postal III, Paradise Lost, Postal: Brain Damaged and Postal 4: No Regerts ), Zack Ward (Postal: The Movie and Postal 4: No Regerts ), Jon St. The Postal Dude now has the possibility of buying weapons and power-ups from various vending machines found around the map. Thanks to improvements in hit detection, if the Postal Dude kicks someone in the crotch, they will react accordingly. Note that if you flip off a cop, there's a very high chance that they'll start to attack you. This serves no purpose other than being fun. In addition, when unarmed, the Postal Dude now has the ability to flip off NPCs with an added spoken "Fuck you". The power-up lasts for a short time giving the Postal Dude a duplicate of whatever gun he's holding. The Postal Dude now has the ability to dual wield guns after drinking a Can of Habib's Power Station. The zones consist of the Arid Desert, Rainy Foliage, Nuclear Winter, and Ashen Skies, with the zones becoming more extreme the closer you get to the blast site. New to Paradise are different zones that were brought about by the nuclear explosion. Paradise Lost returns to the free-roam, errand based gameplay of the original each level divided is into days ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and new areas open up as the week progresses. He awakens eleven years later from a radiation-induced coma by the outskirts of an " unfamiliar town", thus beginning the week-long search for his missing sidekick. Trapped in the depths of his mind, the Postal Dude witnesses visions of a " dark future". Unfortunately, his head wound starts acting up, causing him to crash his car, the blunt force knocking him unconscious as the mushroom cloud looms over. Not wanting to leave his sidekick behind, the Postal Dude turns his car around in an attempt to save his misguided companion. Champ jumps out of the car window, giving chase back toward Paradise. After the events of Apocalypse Weekend, the Postal Dude and Champ are escaping from the nuclear fallout when Champ sees a stray cat on the road.